AF filter housings have been specifically developed for high efficient removal of solid particles, water, oil aerosols, hydrocarbons, odour and vapours from compressed air systems.
To meet the required compressed air quality appropriate filter element (B, P, R, M, S, A, A2, H2) must be installed into filter housing.
AFs fi lters have been developed for applications in paint industry. Quantity of substances that could cause impairments in paint wetting applications or cause defects in paint work have been reduced to a minimum.
To meet the required compressed air quality appropriate “paint compatible” fi lter element must be installed into fi lter housing.
BF welded fi lter housings have been developed for high effi cient removal of solid particles, water, oil aerosols, hydrocarbons and odour vapours from large compressed air(1) systems.
To meet the required compressed air quality appropriate fi lter element (B, P, R, M, S, A, ) must be installed into fi lter housing.
PP pro paint system has been specifi cally developed for purifying compressed air from solid, liquid and partially gaseous components.
Protecting air equipment in addition to providing clean air for worker health protection. PP pro paint system is easy for wall mount.
Available modular combinations:
1. Compressed air for lower quality demands (down to 15 microns)
2. Compressed air for basic quality demands (down to 0,1 microns)
3. Compressed air for high quality demands (down to 0,01 microns)
4. Technical absolutely clean air (down to 0,1 microns, active carbon)
5. Technical and breathable air
6. Compressed air for highest demands (all in one unit)
WFIt welded stainless steel filter housings with threaded connections have been developed for fi ltration of compressed air as well as many other gasses where the risk for corrosion is very high or where stainless steel housing is required.
To meet the required gas quality appropriate filter element must be installed into fi lter housing.
WFIf welded stainless steel filter housings with flange connections have been developed for fi ltration of compressed air as well as many other gasses where the risk for corrosion is very high or where stainless steel housing is required.
To meet the required gas quality appropriate filter element must be installed into filter housing.
CF filter housings have been specifically developed for high efficient removal of solid particles, water, oil aerosols, hydrocarbons and odour vapours from compressed air systems.
To meet the required compressed air quality appropriate filter element (B, P, R, M, S, A) must be installed into filter housing.
HF filter housings have been specifically developed for high efficient removal of solid particles, water, oil aerosols, hydrocarbons and other vapours from compressed air systems.
To meet the required compressed air quality appropriate filter element (B, P, R, M, S, A) must be installed into filter housing.
AHP aluminium high pressure filters have been developed for high efficient removal of solid particles, water, oil aerosols, hydrocarbons and other vapours from compressed air systems.
To meet the required compressed air quality appropriate filter element (B,P, R, M, S, A) must be installed into filter housing.
CHP carbon steel high pressure filters have been specifically developed for high efficient removal of solid particles, water, oil aerosols, hydrocarbons and other vapours from compressed air systems.
To meet the required compressed air quality appropriate filter element (B, P, R, M, S, A) must be installed into filter housing.
IHP stainless steel high pressure fi lters have been developed for high effi cient removal of solid particles, water, oil aerosols, hydrocarbons and other vapours from compressed air systems.
To meet the required compressed air quality appropriate fi lter element (n5, n25, M, S, A) must be installed into fi lter housing.
PF process filter housings have been specifically developed for applications in process industry, where the risk for corrosion of compressed air system components is very high.
To meet the required compressed air quality appropriate filter element must be installed into filter housing.
HPF process filter housings have been specifically developed for applications in process industry, where the risk for corrosion of compressed air system components is very high.
To meet the required compressed air quality appropriate filter element must be installed into filter housing.
SF stainless steel sterile filter housings have been specifically developed for removing of impurities from compressed air system. To meet the required compressed air quality appropriate filter element must be installed into filter housing.
SF filter housing is also designed for sterilisation. Before use if needed for the application, sterilize the filters.
SPF stainless steel sterile filter housings have been specifically developed for applications in process industry, where the risk for corrosion of compressed air system components is very high.
To meet the required compressed air quality appropriate filter element (Sterile filter cartridge) must be installed into filter housing.
P-VAC filters have been specifically developed for protection of vacuum pumps. These filters are optimised for high-efficient removal of solid particles and other contamination from the suction side of vacuum pumps preventing damage to the pump.
For P-VAC filter series we offer two filtration stages. Rough prefilter “VACP” removes bulk liquid and large solid particles while high efficiency microfilter VACM removes very fine impurities which may damage the pump.
M-VAC filters have been specifically developed for medical vacuum applications.
These filters are optimised for high-efficient removal of bacterial and other contamination (solids and liquids) from the suction side of vacuum pumps preventing damage to the pump and the potential biological infection of the surrounding environment
emoved liquids are collected in a transparent flask which can be removed for sterilisation.
The efficiency of the installed filter elements exceeds the 0,005% penetration specified in HTM 2022 for infectious disease units, when tested in accordance with BS 3928.
CNG filter housings have been specifically developed for high efficient removal of solid particles, and bulk liquids from compressed natural gas.
To meet the required CNG quality appropriate filter element (CNGM, CNGS) must be installed into filter housing.
B-AIR point of use filter set has been specifically developed for high efficient preparation of top quality breathing air.
On request B-AIRTM filter set can be supplied with wall mounting brackets, pressure regulator and quick couplings.
B-AIR Plus
B-AIR PLUS system has been specifically designed for applications where high quality breathing air and monitoring of breathing air supply are needed.
B-AIR PLUS is a combination of our B-AIR 0106 breathing air filter set combined with gas concentration analysers, fitted with pressure regulator and quick couplings, all packed in a compact and robust casing.
Gas concentration analysers constantly monitor CO, CO2 and O2 concentrations and trigger an alarm if concentrations exceed the EN12021 and BS4275:1997 standard compliant values.
In this way B-AIR PLUS can safely provide high quality breathing air for up to 5 people. Small dimensions and low weight enable the use of B-AIR PLUS in many applications as it can be transported and set up with ease.